Tag Archives: Language

Top 5 Places for a Business Major to Study Abroad

Continuing with the flow of how students choose destinations, I’ve been looking into the best places for certain majors to study. My lists and recommendations are based on some fact and some opinion and by no means are presented in any specific order. As a marketing major, I fall into the division of business and therefore decided to start there. Contrary to my last post, which mentions students studying in countries that speak English, only 1 of the 5 countries listed below has English as a national language. In my opinion, the top 5 places for a business major to currently study are:

1. China

2. India

3. Brazil

4. Germany

5. Canada

I know, Ireland is not on the list and those of you who know me are probably wicked surprised at that. If you had asked me about let’s say… 8 months ago, I definitely would have recommended Ireland to everyone. However, with the current state of economy and government, I would hold off on calling it 1 of the top 5 places for a business major to study until the country bounces back. It has a tendency of doing that. Anyway…

1. China

There is a huge influx of American students venturing to China to study abroad. China’s economy is growing consistently and the business sector is also increasing. Students are attracted to the business possibilities and are flocking there. There is also opportunity to learn a new language that will be completely relevant in the future, but it’s not as scary as some other countries because many people do speak English.

2. India

India is another example of a booming business economy with the opportunity of language. Similar to China, a student has to realize the cultural differences aside from language and then decide if it is still something they would like to follow through on. India has a booming business sector full of opportunities that will attract many students, especially business students.

3. Brazil

Brazil is another booming economy with a language barrier that students are interested in. Brazil is one of the BRIC countries (as are India and China), which are expected to be the next largest global economies. Brazil also has access to other South American countries that draws many students

4. Germany

Germany has been one of the world’s largest economies and business areas for half a century. After WWII they went under a complete reconstruction and to this day are still reconstructing and building the economy further upwards. They have huge industries, and allow for students to access the rest of Europe.

5. Canada

Overlooked by many American students because, well—it’s Canada; this country is a great experience for all students, especially business. There is a growing economy and a diverse culture. Different provinces of Canada are essentially different countries and cities like Montréal have aspects of multiple cultures that create a very unique experience. There a many opportunities for American students to study in Canada, and unlike many other countries—there are visas available to students who wish to work there.

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Location Influencers

So nearly 60% of American study abroad students study in only 10 different countries, but how does a student decide where to study? I have it narrowed down to a few factors, but I’m welcome to hearing your thoughts as well.

  1. Language –as discussed in the comments of my last post about study abroad locations, language is a huge factor in choosing a location. A student can either choose a country such as Spain, France, or Italy to learn the language by immersion, or intentionally choose an English-speaking country. I know people who have taken both routes and all of them have been happy so it really depends on the student’s preference.
  2. Heritage—I think this is the number one reason for American students to choose to go to Ireland. Over 36 million Americans claim Irish heritage, and it really is a heritage that is connected at the roots. Students are interested in seeing where their not-so-distant relatives lived and thrived for thousands of years.
  3. Causes—Certain locations around the globe attract more philanthropic students who travel to do work for a cause. I know a group of Champlain College students are travelling to an orphanage in Tanzania to help as much as they can for a few weeks.
  4. Industry—More students are travelling where their major is thriving. Champlain has set up a campus in Montréal because it is the 2nd-largest gaming center in the world hosting headquarters to major companies such as EA Games. We have three game majors (Design, Art & Animation, and Programming) and each is encouraged to travel to Montréal because that is where their job market it going. Also, more American students are studying in China than ever before, because of their business and economy.

These are the top four reasons and factors I see contributing to a student’s study abroad decision. Obviously finances are also an issue, but it is an issue with almost everything in college so it’s not unique to study abroad. What other factors do you think affect a student’s decision on where to study abroad?



PS. This post features pictures from my friend PK, his flickr.

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